Smartson Consumer Report

Discover the power of reviews with the Smartson Consumer Report 2023

What does it take to become a highly recommended brand in 2023? Smartson's latest consumer report, based on the experiences of nearly 7 500 Nordic consumers, helps us understand which factors are important and how we can act both strategically and tactically as a customer-centric brand.

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Key Takeaways for Brands and Business Owners

This report is essential for entrepreneurs, brand owners, and marketing analysts. In today's fiercely competitive market, the impact of product recommendations and reviews cannot be overstated. It also emphasises the pivotal role of reviews in driving sustainable choices and highlights the importance of delivering quality products and outstanding consumer experiences to build trust in the ever-expanding e-commerce landscape.

Report Highlights

Trusted Recommendations Matter

The report confirms that friends and family remain the most trusted source for product recommendations, with 54% trusting test services and 51% relying on online reviews. This underscores the power of digital platforms and user-generated content in shaping consumer choices.

This year's report underscores the profound influence of recommendations on our shopping and lifestyle decisions

The Significance of Recommendation Rates

Higher recommendation rates (e.g. 80%, 85%, 90%) substantially influence consumer opinions. Therefore, marketers are advised to prioritise delivering high-quality products and exceptional consumer experiences in order to form the foundation for achieving such high recommendation rates.

Reviews and Sustainable Choices

In total, 82% of respondents believe that reviews guide them toward sustainable choices. Recognizing the power of reviews is crucial for promoting a more sustainable consumer landscape.

7490 respondents in facts:

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